
kibana not trending over parsed timestamp

I am trying to trend the below data over the archived timestamp. I am not sure why my dates and times aren't parsed. According to my grok debugger it works just fine.


Sample Input:

[15/06/02@11:05:31.233-0700] P-007158 T-4131301152 2 WS 4GLTRACE       Run htmAssociate "vsess vsess 1349" [htmOffsets - dpa/setup/vsysadv.w @ 9563]

Config file

input {
file {
    path =>    "/Users/philipp/Documents/Performance/ProductionMetrics/4gltrace_logs/4gltrace_log_bstash.txt"
    start_position => beginning
     filter {
     grok {


output { 
    elasticsearch { host => localhost protocol => "http" port => "9200" } 
     stdout { codec => rubydebug } 

I am sure its a silly oversight but not sure where it is. Any help is appreciated.


  • You need to use the date{} filter in logstash to take a field from your event and replace @timestamp with that value.

    If you had a field called my_timestamp with the following format, this would do it:

    date {
      match => [ 'my_timestamp', "dd/MMM/yyyy:HH:mm:ss Z" ]
      remove_field => [ 'my_timestamp' ]