I am figuring out the way to load the mbtiles from mapbox using nutiteq SDK. I know how to load the mbtiles offline using this code
// 1. Create tile data source from mbtiles file
MBTilesTileDataSource tileDataSource = new MBTilesTileDataSource("/sdcard/estonia_ntvt.mbtiles");
// 2. Load vector tile styleset
UnsignedCharVector styleBytes = AssetUtils.loadBytes("osmbright.zip");
MBVectorTileStyleSet vectorTileStyleSet = new MBVectorTileStyleSet(styleBytes);
// 3. Create vector tile decoder using the styleset
VectorTileDecoder vectorTileDecoder = new MBVectorTileDecoder(vectorTileStyleSet);
// 4. Create vector tile layer, using previously created data source and decoder
TileLayer vectorTileLayer = new VectorTileLayer(tileDataSource, vectorTileDecoder);
// 5. Add vector tile layer
Is there a way to load it directly from mapbox mbtiles url using Nutiteq SDK?
What do you mean by "mapbox mbtiles url", can you give an example? By mbtiles you mean offline packages?
I can think of following MapBox URLs:
a. For MapBox as online raster source see https://developer.nutiteq.com/guides/raster-tile-sources
b. For MapBox as online vector source you need to define also styling, and it needs a bit more coding:
// load style file from assets. Nutiteq style is quite well compatible with MapBox Streets,
// even though NT vector tiles are a bit different
UnsignedCharVector styleBytes = AssetUtils.loadBytes("nutibright-v2.zip");
if (styleBytes != null){
// Create style set
MBVectorTileStyleSet vectorTileStyleSet = new MBVectorTileStyleSet(styleBytes);
MBVectorTileDecoder vectorTileDecoder = new MBVectorTileDecoder(vectorTileStyleSet);
// Create tile data source and layer for vector tiles
TileDataSource vectorTileDataSource = new HTTPTileDataSource(0, 14, "http://a.tiles.mapbox.com/v4/mapbox.mapbox-streets-v5/{zoom}/{x}/{y}.vector.pbf?access_token=pk...YOUR-MAPBOX-KEY");
VectorTileLayer baseLayer = new VectorTileLayer(vectorTileDataSource, vectorTileDecoder);
// add layer to map