
ORA-12154 error on Win7 64

Is there any solution for this error on Windows 7 64 bit (because I think it's the main cause) in .NET application? (ASP.MVC2 with EF4)


I've also checked and tried:

I'd like to connect with Oracle DB via ASP application (as above) and I still see this error. .NET cannot see alias which is in tnsnames.ora


  • Error: ORC-12154 and Oracle Provider not compatible with current OS (povider 32 bit, OS 64)

    OS: Windows 7 64-bit, .NET 4.0, Visual Studio 2010, Tunel via SSH (putty)


    1. Uninstall oracle software, especially Oracle’s client (OracleExpress Client and whole db 10g)
    2. Install Oracle 11g Client for Windows 7 64-bit. If occurs errors during installation (Config Net Assistant), check and clean previous Oracle’s software. Everything including register and ORACLE_HOME, TNS_ADMIN environment variables should be removed.
    3. Install Oracles .NET tools for Visual Studio (it prevents 32 bit and 64 bit’s conflict)
    4. Configure TNSNAMES.ORA and SQLNET.ORA

      • tnsnames.ora - check aliast with tnsping in cmd prompt (tnsping.exe exists in /bin
      • check environment variables: ORACLE_HOME, optional TNS_ADMIN: “ORACLE_HOME/NETWORK/ADMIN”
      • sqlnet.ora variables :


    For me atleast works fine.