I'm trying to take a single file object and split it into chunks by a specified chunk size. In my example, trying to split a single file into 1MB chunks. So I figure out how many chunks it would take, then I'm trying to slice the file starting from the 'offset' (current chunk I'm on * chunk size), and slicing off a chunk size. My first slice comes out properly at 1MB but my subsequent slices turn out to 0, any ideas why? Have a working codepen here:
var file = $('#uploadFile')[0].files[0];
var chunkSize = 1024 * 1024;
var fileSize = file.size;
var chunks = Math.ceil(file.size/chunkSize,chunkSize);
var chunk = 0;
console.log('file size..',fileSize);
while (chunk <= chunks) {
var offset = chunk*chunkSize;
console.log('current chunk..', chunk);
console.log('offset...', chunk*chunkSize);
console.log('file blob from offset...', offset)
Was slicing off the wrong ends:
should have been