
Getting formatting of empty lines

I am a bit confused about how the QTextBlock::iterator works:

The documentation shows clear examples of how to use it, on normal text:

QTextBlock::iterator it;
for (it = currentBlock.begin(); !(it.atEnd()); ++it) {
    QTextFragment currentFragment = it.fragment();
    if (currentFragment.isValid())

I encounter problems on empty lines of text. On those lines,

it = currentBlock.begin();
    // returns true !

I still need to be able to read formatting (char and block)

Should I check the block at end ? Is there any other way to test blocks with nothing except the new line ?

My current solution: check the last iterator as well, separate from the "for" loop, and also test if it is the last block in the document (if I try to get the fragment of the last block in the document, the program crashes).

It seems that I am working against the documentation... How should I get the formatting of empty lines ?


My old solution:

QTextBlock currentBlock = document()->findBlock(selStart);
QTextBlock lastBlock = document()->lastBlock();
while (currentBlock.isValid())
    QTextBlock::iterator it = currentBlock.begin();
    if(currentBlock != lastBlock && it.atEnd())
        QTextFragment currentFragment = it.fragment();
        if (currentFragment.isValid())
            QTextCharFormat f = currentFragment.charFormat();
            // do something
        for (; !(it.atEnd()); ++it)
            QTextFragment currentFragment = it.fragment();
            if (currentFragment.isValid())
                // do stuff
                QTextCharFormat f = currentFragment.charFormat();
                // do stuff

New solution based from answer from Tarod eliminates one test (but seems to have less consistent behavior)

QTextBlock currentBlock = document()->findBlock(selStart);
QTextBlock lastBlock = document()->lastBlock();
while (currentBlock.isValid())
    QTextBlock::iterator it = currentBlock.begin();
    if(currentBlock != lastBlock && it.atEnd())
        QTextCharFormat f = currentBlock.charFormat();
        // do something
        for (; !(it.atEnd()); ++it)
            QTextFragment currentFragment = it.fragment();
            if (currentFragment.isValid())
                // do stuff
                QTextCharFormat f = currentFragment.charFormat();
                // do stuff

I still need to check against last block and avoid using it if empty, sometimes it crashes.


  • I think the problem is you're just iterating over a QTextBlock and reading the contents of its text fragments. In this case, for an empty QTextBlock, as you proved, currentBlock.begin() == it.atEnd() because the QTextBlock has not any text fragments.

    You should iterate over all the document text blocks, get the required information and, if you need to, iterate over each one to read the sequence of text fragments.

    In the following example the block #3 it's an empty line (\n\n). You won't see the line qDebug() << "I am a QTextBlock with text!" printed although we still have information about this text block thanks to QTextBlockFormat and QTextCharFormat.


    #include <QApplication>
    #include "graphicstextitem_3.h"
    int main(int argc, char *argv[])
        QApplication a(argc, argv);
        GraphicsTextItem_3 g3;
        return a.exec();


    #include <QMainWindow>
    class QGraphicsScene;
    class QGraphicsView;
    class QGraphicsTextItem;
    class GraphicsTextItem_3 : public QMainWindow
        explicit GraphicsTextItem_3(QMainWindow *parent = 0);
         QGraphicsScene *scene;
         QGraphicsView *view;
         QGraphicsTextItem *item;
    public slots:
    #endif // GRAPHICSTEXTITEM_3_H


    #include "graphicstextitem_3.h"
    #include <QGraphicsScene>
    #include <QGraphicsView>
    #include <QGraphicsTextItem>
    #include <QTextCursor>
    #include <QTextDocument>
    #include <QTextBlock>
    #include <QDebug>
    GraphicsTextItem_3::GraphicsTextItem_3(QMainWindow *parent) : QMainWindow(parent)
        scene = new QGraphicsScene(this);
        view = new QGraphicsView(scene);
        item = new QGraphicsTextItem("Block 0\n Block 1\n Block 2\n\n Block 4");
        QFont f = item->font();
        QTextDocument* doc = item->document();
        for (QTextBlock it = doc->begin(); it != doc->end(); it = it.next())
            QTextBlockFormat block_format = it.blockFormat();
            QTextCharFormat char_format = it.charFormat();
            qDebug() << "*** Block number: " << it.blockNumber()
                     << " with text: " << it.text();
            qDebug() << "* Block format info: "
                     << " leftMargin: " << block_format.leftMargin()
                     << " rightMargin: " << block_format.rightMargin()
                     << " topMargin: " << block_format.topMargin()
                     << " bottomMargin: " << block_format.bottomMargin()
                     << " lineHeight: " << block_format.lineHeight();
            qDebug() << "* Char format info: "
                     << " pointSize: " << char_format.font().pointSize()
                     << " fontFamily: " << char_format.font().family();
            QTextBlock::iterator tb_it = it.begin();
            if (tb_it.atEnd())
                qDebug() << "it.begin() == tb_it.atEnd()";
                /* The application crashes if we get the fragment */
                // tb_it.fragment();
            for (tb_it = it.begin(); !(tb_it.atEnd()); ++tb_it) {
                QTextFragment currentFragment = tb_it.fragment();
                if (currentFragment.isValid())
                    qDebug() << "I am a QTextBlock with text!"
                             << " Out of here empty QTextBlock!"
                             << " You - shall not - pass!";
        view->setFixedSize(640, 480);