I am trying to create a procedure (called a routine in phpMyAdmin) and currently have this query:
INSERT INTO `users` (`username`, `password`, `email`, `user_role_id`,` date_registered`)
VALUES (_username, _password, _email, (SELECT `ID` FROM `roles` WHERE `role_name` = _role) , _date);
But this does not work, I have tried to declare a variable to a role_ID and this also did not work, can anyone help me to fix this please?
The params you see (starting with an underscore (_
)) are all IN params used in the phpMyAdmin routine creator
The other code I have tried is this:
DECLARE role_id AS/*=*/ (SELECT `ID` FROM `roles` WHERE `role_name` = _role); /* tried both AS and = */
INSERT INTO `users` (`username`, `password`, `email`, `user_role_id`, `date_registered`)
VALUES (_username, _password, _email, role_id, _date);
Also noticed a small error with the DECLARE
, changed the above code to:
DECLARE @role_id ;
SET @role_id = (SELECT `ID` FROM `roles` WHERE `role_name` = _role);
INSERT INTO `users` (`username`, `password`, `email`, `user_role_id`, `date_registered`)
VALUES (_username, _password, _email, @role_id, _date);
But still no luck
I have worked out how to do this - although not using a subquery, I have this stored procedure:
INSERT INTO `users` (`username`, `password`, `email`, `user_role_ID`, `date_registered`)
VALUES (username, pwd, email, role, datenow);
and this PHP function and class to work it:
class create_user
public static function CreateUser($username, $password, $email, $role)
global $link;
#region Get role id
$role_q = "SELECT `ID` FROM `roles` WHERE `role_name` = '{$role}';";
$role_rs = mysqli_fetch_row($link->query($role_q));
$role = $role_rs[0];
#region Create user
$link->query("CALL sp_create_user('{$username}', '" . hash("sha256", $password) . "', '{$email}', '{$role}', '" . date("y-m-d H:i:s") . "')") ? $inserted = true : $inserted = false;
#region check if user created
if ($inserted)
return true;
return "User was not created. Either the username or email is already in use.";
If someone can do this with a sub query, that will be the correct answer as this works, but is not a full answer for my question.
Happy SQLing!