I am having trouble with FB UI and its JavaScript SDK feed dialog. I Can't post on wall message with an empty 'Say something about this' field. I receive a success response after my send, but the message is not displayed on the wall. If I write something in that field, the dialog will be displayed. How to fix this?
I send the dialog like this:
method: 'feed',
name: 'example',
link: loc,
picture: src,
message: 'example',
actions: {"name":"example", "link": loc},
You can´t prefill the message field, and it is not allowed to prefill anyway. You must read the platform policy before creating any App: https://developers.facebook.com/policy/
As you can read in the docs, there is no message parameter anyway: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/sharing/reference/feed-dialog/v2.4#params
That being said, if it does not show up on the wall, check your activity log as CBroe commented.