Here is what I got so far :
class MemberSitePosition < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :member, -> { with_deleted }
belongs_to :position
class Member < ActiveRecord::Base
include ::Hierarchical
has_many :member_site_positions
// Get all member associated to a site with their position
@msps = member_site_positions.includes(:position, { member { profile: :item }}).where(position_id: position_ids, member_id: member_ids)
@msps.each do |msp|
member = msp.member
// ... do stuff with member
That query work like a charm, I get all my member associated to all my site with their position.
But when I tried to order them, I got
@msps = member_site_positions.includes(:position, { member { profile: :item }}).where(position_id: position_ids, member_id: member_ids)
.order("positions.order") // adding the order
@msps.each do |msp|
member = msp.member // Member is nil only if I pass the order (and member is deleted)
The member that are deleted are now nil when I try to access them.
What I discovered is that when I add the order, the generate query add
Left outer join tableX x ON = main_table.x_id AND x.deleted_at IS NULL
Even with the where clause that says include x.deleted_at IS NULL OR x.deleted_at IS NOT NULL since they are rejected in the join they are not included.
I'm using rails 4.2.3 and paranoia 4.2.3 I tried to check some configuration and after a moment a found that when I used rails 4.2.1 it worked fine. I'd like to keep rails 4.2.3 if it possible.
What should I do to resolve my problem ? If anyone got an idea I'm ready to try it. Thank in advance.
I tried to add a joins(:position), joins(:member) and both but the result was the same
I tried to change
belongs_to :member, -> { with_deleted }
belongs_to :member, -> { with_deleted.unscope(where: :deleted_at) }
belongs_to :member, -> { unscope }
but it change nothing
In your example, you're making use of :includes
which let Rails to decide if you want to use :preload
, :eager_load
or :joins
and because you're using an attribute from the included table then it goes with the :joins
And with the above explanation, I can tell you that this is related to a current open bug in Rails where the "joined" table ignores your setup trying to override the default_scope
. There's no workaround that I'm aware of yet