I am required to use YAML for a project. I have a YAML file which I am using to populate a list in a Python program which interacts with the data.
My data looks like this:
custid: 200
user: Ash
- Smith
- Cox
I need the python code to iterate over this YAML file and populate a list like this:
list_of_Employees = ['Ash', 'Smith' 'Cox']
I know I must open the file and then store the data in a variable, but I cannot figure out how to enter each element separately in a list. Ideally I would like to use the append function so I don't have to determine my 'user' size every time.
with open("employees.yaml", 'r') as stream:
out = yaml.load(stream)
print out['Employees']['user']
This should already give you a list of users. Also note that your YAML is missing one dash after the user node.