I'm just using NewRelic
error trapping for my coldbox
application. From OnException
method, I'm just sending the error struct to log the error.
My code in onexception method
public function onException(event,rc,prc){
NewRelic.logError( prc.exception.getExceptionStruct());
The logerror() method resides in NewRelic.cfc and contains the following code
public boolean function logError(
required struct exception
) {
var cause = arguments.exception;
var params = {
error_id = createUUID(),
type: arguments.exception.type,
message: arguments.exception.message
this.newRelic.noticeError(cause, params);abort;
return true;
So while error, I'm gettig the following error.
The noticeError method was not found.
You can see that, the noticeError()
method is there in the object, but it is overloaded with arguments.
I'm using the same code for NewRelic error trapping in another coldfusion project without any frameworks.
Calling error.cfm
through Cferror
tag, and the code in error.cfm as follows
<cfset Application.newRelic.logError( variables.error )>
And in NewRelic.cfc, the logerror()
method contains the same code as in the coldbox application. But it is logging errors in NewRelic without any issues.
This is the method I need to notice errors and log it in NewRelic.
noticeError(java.lang.Throwable, java.util.Map)
So I just thought to get the classname of the first argument Cause
through the following code from both applications within logError() in NewRelic.cfc, to get the difference.
I'm getting
for Coldbox application
for normal coldfusion application
The cause
argument is not throwable from coldbox application. So how to get the original error struct from coldbox application? and make it throwable to fix the noticeError method was not found
The change in the underlying class happens when ColdBox duplicates the error object with CFML's duplicate()
method. I doubt that ColdFusion behavior is documented anywhere, but I don't see an easy way to get around it right now other than creating your own instance of a java.langException and populating it with the details of the original error.
If you want to modify the ColdBox core code, this happens here: https://github.com/ColdBox/coldbox-platform/blob/master/system/web/context/ExceptionBean.cfc#L43
I have entered this ticket for the ColdBox framework for us to review if we can stop duplicating the error object in future versions of the framework.
Update: Adam Cameron pointed out this ticket in the Adobe bug tracker that details this behavior in the engine. It was closed as "neverFix".