
Server http:/localhost:8080 requires a user name and a password. The server says: XDB

I am trying to access localhost:8080 but it is showing me I need to enter user name and pass word. I remember messing up with the server some 4 months ago while I was trying to develop a web application and hosting my domain name on my pc, Unfortunately I become unsuccessful. While working with servlets I was tring some security features and till some time i did not see and of these pop up windows asking for authentication.

I tried to enter the password that I was playing with but non of those are working. Is there anyway i could get out of this problem? enter image description here


  • This is http authentication. You can find username and password inside users.xml WEB-INF directory if any. otherwise you have to edit or remove security-constraint element from web.xml file

    UPDATE Sorry, I haven't noticed XDB. check if Oracle and tomcat using same port. Update anyone of them