If I try to login on a Debian with XFCE it gets a blackscreen for a few seconds, then it flashes really short and puts me back at the login screen.
The strange thing is, if I go into a terminal using Ctrl + Alt + F1 (Or any other F key) I can login, and get into the GUI using startx. Everything works like usual.
I installed Debian the same way on 4 different machines but none of them had this error.
I used debian-8.2.0-i386-xfce.iso for installation with a USB stick.
Somebody has a idea what could cause this behavior?
After some research, I found an entry at Debian User Forums, where someone had almost the same issue, except that I could use startx and he didn't. The problem was that some of the hidden files inside the users home directory were owned by root. I still don't know why I could start the xserver from command line but at least I can login now with the GUI again.
I went into the command line using CTRL + ALT+ F1
Then I logged in as root and did a ls inside the home directory of the corrupted user.
cd /home/username
-> ls -la
("-la" list hidden files, and the owner of the files)
depending on how many files are owned by root you can change the rights for seperate files, or be lazy like me and do:
chmod a+rwx *
(chmod changes the permissions for a usergroup)
That means, all users can now read, write (modify) and execute this files.
I know, its maybe not the cleanest solution but it worked for me.