
App crashes in release build cause of QuickBlox

Im using quickblox in my application and my current sdk version is the latest one in debug mode everything runs smoothly but when i sign my application for the release build i have noticed that i need to add some configuration in the progaurd for quickblox and some other libraries so the apk was revealed but when i run it it crashes when trying to login through quickblox giving me this

enter code here
Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Stub!
10-06 16:36:48.469 8143-8143/? E/AndroidRuntime:     at org.a.b.e.a.<init>(Unknown Source)
10-06 16:36:48.469 8143-8143/? E/AndroidRuntime:     at org.a.b.a.b.h.<init>(Unknown Source)
10-06 16:36:48.469 8143-8143/? E/AndroidRuntime:     at org.a.b.a.b.b.<init>(Unknown Source)
10-06 16:36:48.469 8143-8143/? E/AndroidRuntime:     at org.a.b.a.b.f.<init>(Unknown Source)
10-06 16:36:48.469 8143-8143/? E/AndroidRuntime:     at Source)
10-06 16:36:48.469 8143-8143/? E/AndroidRuntime:     at Source)
10-06 16:36:48.469 8143-8143/? E/AndroidRuntime:     at com.quickblox.core.query.Query.a(Unknown Source)
10-06 16:36:48.469 8143-8143/? E/AndroidRuntime:     at com.quickblox.core.query.Query.performAsyncWithCallback(Unknown Source)
10-06 16:36:48.469 8143-8143/? E/AndroidRuntime:     at com.quickblox.auth.QBAuth.createSessionUsingSocialProvider(Unknown Source)

can someone please help me in that what I'm missing is there a way to make it run in the release apk. Any help would be appreciated .


  • It was my mistake in my pro file i did -dontwarn org.apache.http.** and didnt add -keep class org.apache.http.**{ public *;} my fault hope it helps anyone who face it