i want to know what is the difference between mongoClient
and mongoConnection
and what is the difference between these two codes
serverAddress=new ServerAddress("Localhost",27017)
client= MongoClient(serverAddress)
testDB = client("testdb")//get database Name
collection = testDB("mycol")//get collection Name
serverAddress=new ServerAddress("Localhost",27017)
con= MongoClient(serverAddress)
testDB = con("testdb")//get database Name
myCollection = testDB("mycol")//get collection Name
please explain what is the difference
MongoConnection has been deprecated in favor of MongoClient. To my knowledge there was no difference at the time MongoClient was introduced. I guess the functionality may diverge over time.
From the API tutorial: Casbah API tutorial
"MongoClient was added to the Java driver in 2.10 as the default connection class for MongoDB. Older Casbah code may use MongoConnection which should be updated to use MongoClient."