My git-ftp information in my .git/config file is (obviously this is dummy info):
user =
url =
password = PassWord#
When I catchup my local repo with my ftp
git ftp catchup
I get the error:
curl: (67) Access denied: 530
Tue, Oct 06, 2015 10:17:04 AM: fatal: Could not upload file: '.git-ftp.log'., exiting...
Tue, Oct 06, 2015 10:17:04 AM: fatal: Could not upload., exiting...
If I instead I do this from the command line:
git ftp catchup -u -p 'PassWord#'
I do not get the error.
I have tracked this problem to being the ending # on my password. I have tried changing my config line for the password to be in quotes:
password = 'PassWord#'
But this does not work.
Obviously I just change my password so it will work, but I want to figure out why the # is keeping the config file from working right, but it works fine from the command line. Anyone know how I can resolve this so config file works properly?
Thank you in advance!
As Eric J pointed out, the # is a comment tag in the .git/config file. I had already tried using single quotes around the password and it had failed. Ashamed to say I did not think to try double quotes.
Further testing revealed using double quotes "" around the password allowed the config file to work with the password having a #.
user =
url =
password = "PassWord#"