I'm trying to get a text field that my users can enter in something that is parsable by the Chronic gem. Here is my model file:
require 'chronic'
class Event < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :user
validates_presence_of :e_time
before_validation :parse_date
def parse_date
self.e_time = Chronic.parse(self.e_time_before_type_cast) if self.e_time_before_type_cast
I think that it is being called because if I misspell something in parse_date, it complains that it doesn't exist. I've also tried before_save :parse_date, but that doesn't work either.
How could I get this to work?
This kind of situation looks like a good candidate for using virtual attributes in your Event
model to represent the natural language dates and times for the view's purpose while the real attribute is backed to the database. The general technique is described in this screencast
So you might have in your model:
class Event < ActiveRecord::Base
validates_presence_of :e_time
def chronic_e_time
self.e_time // Or whatever way you want to represent this
def chronic_e_time=(s)
self.e_time = Chronic.parse(s) if s
And in your view:
<% form_for @event do |f| %>
<% f.text_field :chronic_e_time %>
<% end %>
If the parse fails, then e_time
will remain nil
and your validation will stop the record being saved.