
scalaz 7 equivalent of `<|*|>` from scalaz 6

In Nick Partridge's presentation on deriving scalaz, based on an older version of scalaz, he introduces validations using a function:

def even(x: Int): Validation[NonEmptyList[String], Int] =
  if (x % 2 == 0) x.success else { s"not even: $x".wrapNel.failure }

Then he combines this using

even(1) <|*|> even(2)

which applies the test and returns a validation with the failure message. Using scalaz 7 I get

scala> even(1) <|*|> even(2)
<console>:18: error: value <|*|> is not a member of scalaz.Validation[scalaz.NonEmptyList[String],Int]
       even(1) <|*|> even(2)

What is the scalaz 7 equivalent of this combinator?


  • This is now called tuple, so you can write for example:

    import scalaz._, Scalaz._
    def even(x: Int): Validation[NonEmptyList[String], Int] =
      if (x % 2 == 0) x.success else s"not even: $x".failureNel
    val pair: ValidationNel[String, (Int, Int)] = even(1) tuple even(2)

    Unfortunately I'm not sure there's a better way to find out this kind of thing than checking out the last 6.0 tag of the source, searching, and then comparing signatures.