I'm setting up CI for a project of mine, hosted on github, using tox
and travis-ci
. At the end of the build, I run converalls
to push the coverage reports to
. I would like to make this command 'conditional' - for execution only when the tests are run on travis; not when they are run on my local machine. Is there a way to make this happen?
The details:
The package I'm trying to test is a python package. I'm using / planning to use the following 'infrastructure' to set up the tests :
. This lets me run the tests locally, which is rather important to me. I don't want to have to push to github every time I need a test run. I also use numpy
and matplotlib
in my package, so running an inane number of test cycles on travis-ci
seems overly wasteful to me. As such, ditching tox
and simply using .travis.yml
alone is not an option.travis-ci
The relevant test scripts look something like this :
language: python
python: 2.7
- TOX_ENV=py27
- pip install tox
- tox -e $TOX_ENV
envlist = py27
deps =
commands =
py.test --cov={envsitepackagesdir}/mypackage --cov-report=term --basetemp={envtmpdir}
This file lets me run the tests locally. However, due to the final coveralls
call, the test fails in principle, with :
py27 runtests: commands[1] | coveralls
You have to provide either repo_token in .coveralls.yml, or launch via Travis
ERROR: InvocationError: ...coveralls'
This is an expected error. The passenv
bit sends along the necessary information from travis
to be able to write to coveralls
, and without travis there to provide this information, the command should fail. I don't want this to push the results to, either. I'd like to have coveralls
run only if the test is occuring on travis-ci
. Is there any way in which I can have this command run conditionally, or set up a build configuration which achieves the same effect?
I've already tried moving the coveralls portion into .travis.yml
, but when that is executed coveralls
seems to be unable to locate the appropriate .coverage
file to send over. I made various attempts in this direction, none of which resulted in a successful submission to
except the combination listed above. The following was what I would have hoped would work, given that when I run tox
locally I do end up with a .coverage
file where I'd expect it - in the root folder of my source tree.
No submission to
language: python
python: 2.7
- TOX_ENV=py27
- pip install tox
- pip install python-coveralls
- tox -e $TOX_ENV
- coveralls
I have a similar setup with Travis, tox and coveralls. My idea was to only execute coveralls
if the TRAVIS
environment variable is set. However, it seems this is not so easy to do as tox has trouble parsing commands with quotes and ampersands. Additionally, this confused Travis me a lot.
Eventually I wrote a simple python script
import os
from subprocess import call
if __name__ == '__main__':
if 'TRAVIS' in os.environ:
rc = call('coveralls')
raise SystemExit(rc)
In tox.ini
, replace your coveralls
command with python {toxinidir}/