I have two shiny apps and I would like to link one to another. One has a datatable with some values that I would like to link to another app, where I can select this value from the selectInput
To sum it up I have one app that looks like this (taken from here):
server <- function(input, output) {
output$iris_type <- DT::renderDataTable({
datatable(data.frame(Species=paste0("<a href='#filtered_data'>", unique(iris$Species), "</a>")),
escape = FALSE,
callback = JS(
'table.on("click.dt", "tr", function() {
tabs = $(".tabbable .nav.nav-tabs li a");
output$filtered_data <- DT::renderDataTable({
selected <- input$iris_type_rows_selected
} else {
datatable(iris[iris$Species %in% unique(iris$Species)[selected], ])
ui <- shinyUI(fluidPage(
tabPanel("Iris Type", DT::dataTableOutput("iris_type")),
tabPanel("Filtered Data", DT::dataTableOutput("filtered_data"))
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
And another one:
server <- shinyServer(function(input, output) {
iris1 <- reactive({
iris %>%
filter(Species %in% input$select)
output$filtered_data <- DT::renderDataTable({
ui <- shinyUI(fluidPage(
selectInput("select", label=h3("Iris Type"), choices=list('setosa', 'versicolor', 'virginica'),
selected='setosa', multiple=FALSE),
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
When I click on one of the species in the first app, I would like it to link me to the second app instead of another tab, and select the clicked species from the first app (see the picture below).
I figured that I have to change the link from "<a href='#filtered_data'>", unique(iris$Species), "</a>"
, to the link of my the other app but I don't know how to change the value of my selectInput
option in the second app. Please help.
Amending my earlier response, (because, agreed, a simpler solution should be available)
Instead, here's a solution built on mining the session object:
if you open the second shiny app via
<a href="http://server.com/app2?Species=setosa">
(change server.com/app2 to your actual link) then in that second app, include this for the select object:
EDIT: Note, since this relies on the session object, your server function will change from function(input,output)
to function(input,output,session)
output$selectSpecies <- renderUI({
URLvars <- session$clientData$url_search
# NOTE: the following regex is not one-size-fits-all
# if you use multiple inputs, you'll probably need to adjust it
# also remove special characters, because I want to sanitize our inputs
Species <- gsub('[[:punct:]]','',URLvars)
Species <- sub('^.*Species(.*$)','\\1',URLvars)
selectInput("select", label=h3("Iris Type"), choices=list('setosa', 'versicolor', 'virginica'),
selected=ifelse(Species=="",'setosa',Species), multiple=FALSE)
So the session object does contain the portion of the url it was opened with, so it's just a matter of converting that info to a variable we can use.