
Inno Setup: Populating VersionInfoDescription and VersionInfoCopyright from an INI file using Pascal Scripting (scripted constant) setup property

I have a little problem with Inno Setup regarding the "Window" property of the Setup.exe. This is the problem that I have:

Setup property page

In the property of the setup, under the Detail tab, I see that the description and the copyright haven't the right information.

This is what I use in Inno Setup this to allow user to customize the installer:

VersionInfoDescription={code:GetAppName} {code:GetVersion}

During the installer this field are correctly fill with the right information (that I load in a .ini file).

So, the question is:

Does anyone know how to fill correctly this field in the property of the installer and and still let users to customize the installer?

Thanks in advance.


  • The VersionInfoDescription and VersionInfoCopyright cannot contain constants (like {code:...}), because they need to be set on compile time.

    But if you use the Pascal Scripting to load an INI file only, you can use preprocessor instead:

    VersionInfoDescription={#ReadIni("C:\path\test.ini", "Section", "Name")}

    See a documentation for ReadIni.