
Rotate files created by nxlog

I am using nxlog-ce on Windows Server 2012 R2.

nxlog is outputting two txt files.

I would like to rotate these two files every hour. I want the active log to maintain the same name, logfileA.txt logfileB.txt and new rotated files to be created logfileA.txt.2 logfileB.txt.2

I only ever want there to be two files for each log logfileA.txt and logfileA.txt.2 but never a logfileA.txt.3

Here are the important parts from my current nxlog.config

define LOGFILE_Atxt C:\test\logfileA.txt
define LOGFILE_Btxt C:\test\logfileB.txt 

<Extension fileop>
    Module      xm_fileop
        Every 1 hour
        Exec    file_cycle('%LOGFILE_Atxt%', 2);
        Exec    file_cycle('%LOGFILE_Btxt%', 2);

<Output loga_out>
    Module      om_file
    file        'c:\test\logfileA.txt'
    CreateDir   TRUE

<Output logb_out>
    Module      om_file
    file        'c:\test\logfileB.txt'
    CreateDir   TRUE

<Route loga_route>
    Path        loga_input => loga_out
<Route logb_route>
    Path        logb_input => logb_out

In this configuration, when the nxlog service starts it immediately creates logfileA.txt.1 and logfileB.txt.1 However, the system never rotates the logs. logfileA.txt.2 and logfileB.txt.2 are never created.

I am having trouble finding resources covering how to setup log rotation with nxlog.

Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you!


  • I think the issue is that om_file keeps writing into the rotated file. You need to notify it so that it will reopen its output. The following should work:

    <Extension fileop>
        Module      xm_fileop
    <Output loga_out>
        Module      om_file
        file        'c:\test\logfileA.txt'
        CreateDir   TRUE
            Every 1 hour
            Exec    file_cycle('%LOGFILE_Atxt%', 2);
            Exec    loga_out->reopen();
    <Output logb_out>
        Module      om_file
        file        'c:\test\logfileB.txt'
        CreateDir   TRUE
            Every 1 hour
            Exec    file_cycle('%LOGFILE_Btxt%', 2);
            Exec    logb_out->reopen();