
Does DbFunctions.TruncateTime behave differently in different server time zones?

I'm not sure that my question Title is perfect - so please allow me to explain a little further.

Here's a snapshot of some test data:

enter image description here

Here's my code:

Function TestDb() As ActionResult
   Dim clientLocId As Integer = 23
   Dim showDate As New Date
   showDate = New Date(2015, 8, 14)
   'showDate = New Date(2015, 9, 22)
   'showDate = New Date(2015, 9, 27)

   Dim orderRecs = db.Orders.Where(Function(x) x.ClientLocationId = clientLocId AndAlso x.OrderNumber IsNot Nothing _
                    AndAlso x.DateCompletedUtc IsNot Nothing _
                    AndAlso DbFunctions.TruncateTime(x.OrderDateLoc) = showDate.Date) _
                    .OrderByDescending(Function(x) x.OrderDateUtc)

End Function

And so here's my problem:

The rows for Order Dates 09/27/2015 and 09/22/2015 query properly with the logic above - yielding 1 row for each date requested. BUT - a query for the 08/14/2015 date yields NOTHING. I am in the -04:00 timezone now, if that matters. If I change the timezone [edit] in the row data [end edit] to -04:00 the 2 08/14/2015 rows query properly.

I have googled to try to find answers to this but have come up dry. Can someone weigh in on my problem?

[UPDATE]: Workaround Here's a workaround (for now) based on a suggestion from this thread by @PiotrAuguscik suggesting to convert the query first to a list:

Dim orderRecs = (db.Orders.Where(Function(x) x.ClientLocationId = clientLocId AndAlso x.OrderNumber IsNot Nothing _
                AndAlso x.DateCompletedUtc IsNot Nothing).ToList) _
                .Where(Function(x) x.OrderDateLoc.Value.Date = showDate.Date) _
                .OrderByDescending(Function(x) x.OrderDateUtc)

It's a little "crusty", but it works. I sure would like to know, however, why timezones would have anything to do with DbFunctions.TruncateTime().

[UPDATE #2] Proper solution code derived from answer from Matt Johnson

Dim orderRecs = db.Orders.Where(Function(x) x.ClientLocationId = clientLocId AndAlso x.OrderNumber IsNot Nothing _
                          AndAlso x.DateCompletedUtc IsNot Nothing AndAlso
                          (x.OrderDateLoc >= showDateDto AndAlso x.OrderDateLoc < showDateDto.AddDays(1))) _
                          .OrderByDescending(Function(x) x.OrderDateUtc)


  • A few things: