i currently have a method
| parser |
parser := 'proc' asParser, #space asParser, "<---- im trying to use the method identifier here - so i tried self identifier, instead of 'proc' asParser
#letter asParser plus, $( asParser,
'int' asParser,#space asParser,
#letter asParser plus, $) asParser,
#space asParser, 'corp' asParser.
^ parser
i also have these two methods
1- keywords method
^ keywords ifNil: [
keywords := Set newFrom: #(
proc corp
if then else fi
do od
print as
for from to by
int string real array format bool
true false
mutable static
2- identifier method
^ ((#letter asParser , #word asParser star) flatten) >=> [ : ctxt : aBlock | | parse |
parse := aBlock value.
(self keywords includes: parse) ifTrue: [
PPFailure message: 'keyword matched' context: ctxt
] ifFalse: [
Question: how is the identifier parser used in pMain?
I feed it this line
MyParser new pMain:= 'proc a( int a ) corp'
'proc' asParser
returns a parser that accepts the string 'proc'
; this is similar to $p asParser
that returns a parser that accepts the character $p
I guess your question is about how to refer to parser productions. In subclasses of PPCompositeParser
you can do this by creating a method that returns its parser (you did this). Then productions refer to each other by reading the respective instance variable of the same name (you have to create those yourself, unless you use the PetitParser tools).
You can find a tutorial about composite parsers in the documentation.