I have installed GitLab 7.9.1 using Omnibus.
Everything works. When I do a gitlab-rake gitlab:check, I get no errors.
However, when I want to clone a repository in /var/www, the console prompts me for a git password.
I have added the SSH key in the Gitlab interface. However, it still asks me for a git password when I try to clone a repository.
What do you think?
p.s I will like to point out that I have used the Omnibus installation and not installation from source.
Completely forgot to provide the solution. I actually had fixed the problem. It was a problem with the SSH keys.
I followed the guide on gitlabs on how to generate SSH keys. I didn't follow it properly. I missed the email address in 'ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "****@***.com"'
It works now.