
LunaCryptokiException: function 'CrystokiConnect failed' returns 0x0 as non root user

I have used Luna SA with SDK for generating keypairs.

When am trying to list the keystore (as non root user) its throwing below exception. If I try as root user, it does list and works fine.

I have given read write permission to non root user.

keytool error: LUNA not found LUNA not found

Caused by: com.safenetinc.luna.LunaCryptokiException: function 'CrystokiConnect failed' returns 0x0
        at com.safenetinc.luna.LunaCryptokiException.ThrowNew(
        at com.safenetinc.luna.LunaAPI.Initialize(Native Method)
            at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
        at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(Unknown Source)

Any help, how can I list key stores as a non root user?


  • parent folder, where certificates resides to connect hsm for handshake and luna bin folder should have read and execute permission for non root users who are using the client.

    Which I missed!