I created a lambda expression inside my std::for_each
In it there is code like this one, but I have building error telling me that
error: expected primary-expression before ‘return’ error: expected `]' before ‘return’
In my head I think that boost-lambda
works mainly with functors, so since return
statement it isn't like that, calling it doesn't work.
Do you know what it is and how to fix it?
Thanks AFG
namespace bl = boost::lambda; int a, b; bl::var_type::type a_( bl::var( a ) ); bl::var_type::type b_( bl::var( b ) ); std::for_each( v.begin(), v.end(), ( // ..do stuff here if_( a_ > _b_ ) [ std::cout << _1, return ] ));
You cannot use return
instruction inside lambda expression. Use constructions like if_then_else_return
. They offer syntax that allows producing results.
But in your case return
is not even required, just throw it away.