
Combinatorial data in xUnit.NET?

I'm migrating from MbUnit to xUnit, and I'm trying to locate the equivalent attributes (or approach) to MbUnit's [CombinatorialJoin] and [Column].

For example, when testing common behavior of a function with multiple boolean parameters, [Column] makes it very easy to test the permutations:

public void TestMethodWithTooManyOptions([Column(true, false)] bool dispose,
                                        [Column(true, false)] bool useDestinationStream,
                                        [Column(true, false)] bool useCorruptedSource,
                                        [Column(true, false)] bool loadTwice,
                                        [Column(true, false)] bool useSourceStream) {

[CombinatorialJoin], [SequentialJoin], [PairwiseJoin] affect how columns (or rows) are permuted.


  • This is perhaps a correct response...
