
How to Highlight Text in Yellow Using Apple Mail

Is it possible to highlight text in yellow (or another color) using OS X Apple Mail? There does not appear to be a simple way to do this.


  • Note: The complete list of detailed steps with pictures are posted here:

    Here is a summary of the steps:

    1. Obtain some highlighted text in a method of your choosing. I composed an email in MS Outlook on Windows, highlighted some text and then sent that email to one of my accounts in Apple Mail. You can also simply copy some highlighted yellow text from a website page (use this page, if you don't have one handy) by dragging over the text with your mouse and copying to your clipboard.
    2. I copied the text out of that email (or the highlighted text above in step 1) and then pasted it into a new document in Apple's TextEdit application.
    3. Then in my TextEdit document, I highlighted the text with my cursor, right clicked and selected “Font | Styles…”
    4. In the pop-up menu, click ‘Add to Favorites’, and then give your style a name. For example, 'Highlighted Yellow'. I didn’t check either option to include the font or ruler.
    5. Click ‘Add’. Your new style for highlighting is now saved and can be used in Apple Mail by the following steps...

    Using the style in Apple Mail

    1. When you are composing a message in Apple Mail, using your cursor simply highlight the text whose background you want to highlight. Then right click with the mouse and select “Font | Styles…”
    2. Ensure the “Favorite Styles” option is selected and then choose your new “Highlighted Yellow” (or whatever you named it) style from the drop down list.
    3. Click “Apply” and voila!

    For the steps with pictures, you can visit: