I have the following factory:
FactoryGirl.define do
factory :task do
due_date 7.days.from_now
In my specs, I'm using Timecop in this way:
before do
Timecop.freeze(Time.parse("Oct 5 2015"))
Time.now and Date.today are being stubbed with the given time as expected, but the due_date attribute of the factory always returns based on the date of the system, and I would like it to return based on the date provided in Timecop. Is it possible?
I'm using Ruby 2.2.2, Rails 3.2.22, Timecop 0.8.0 and Rspec 3.1.0.
Pass the value to a block, so that it's evaluated on call, not when the factories definition is loaded. This is called Lazy attributes
, more about that here
FactoryGirl.define do
factory :task do
due_date { 7.days.from_now }