I have the following code as part of my MATLAB GUI code:
k = waitforbuttonpress;
if k==0
if strcmp(get(handles.YESNO,'String'),'Y')
hint = 1;
hint = 0;
hint = 0;
I wait for the user to press one of the two YES or NO buttons. Inside each of these callbacks I update the variable handles.YESNO
as set(handles.YESNO,'String','Y');
or set(handles.YESNO,'String','N');
When I execute my MATLAB GUI, I have to press the YES button twice for the value to take into effect. Any tips/hints to overcome this issue?
I believe that the waitforbuttonpress mask your callback. Instead, block your executation with uiwait that waits for your figure to close or to uiresume called by the buttons callbacks.