
datastax cassandra query result decoding in php

I am using Cassandra and using the Datastax PHP CQL.

Given the following query, how should I decode the result?

$cql = SELECT * FROM  company WHERE userid = 1001 ORDER BY gpsTime DESC LIMIT 1;                           
$statement = new Cassandra\SimpleStatement($cql);
$result = $this->session->execute($statement);

I tried decoding with:

foreach($result as $row){
    // Get values from row and add to array
        'userID'    => $row['userid']->value,
        'gpsTime'   => $row['gpstime']->seconds,
         'latitude' => $row['latitude']->value )

However, I get an error:

Message: Undefined property: Cassandra\Decimal::$value

My table schema is:

$cql = "CREATE TABLE " company " (
    userID bigint,
    userName ascii,
    latitude decimal,
    longitude decimal,
    accuracy float,
    altitude float,
    gpsTime timestamp );


  • value is a function and not property, so you'll have to do $row['latitude']->value()