I need to load data from multiple JSON files each having multiple records within them to a Postgres table. I am using the following code but it does not work (am using pgAdmin III on windows)
COPY tbl_staging_eventlog1 ("EId", "Category", "Mac", "Path", "ID")
from 'C:\\SAMPLE.JSON'
delimiter ','
Content of SAMPLE.JSON file is like this (giving two records out of many such):
[{"EId":"104111","Category":"(0)","Mac":"ABV","Path":"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Google","ID":"System.Byte[]"},{"EId":"104110","Category":"(0)","Mac":"BVC","Path":"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Google","ID":"System.Byte[]"}]
Try this:
-- let's create a temp table to bulk data into
create temporary table temp_json (values text) on commit drop;
copy temp_json from 'C:\SAMPLE.JSON';
insert into tbl_staging_eventlog1 ("EId", "Category", "Mac", "Path", "ID")
select values->>'EId' as EId,
values->>'Category' as Category,
values->>'Mac' as Mac,
values->>'Path' as Path,
values->>'ID' as ID
from (
select json_array_elements(replace(values,'\','\\')::json) as values
from temp_json
) a;