I'm very new to mongo and I'd like to direct some queries to the secondaries from the mongo shell.
I've read the docs which say to set the read preference.
In the mongo shell, the readPref() cursor method provides access to read preferences.
I've read the docs on the readPref cursor method (here if you're interested: http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/reference/method/cursor.readPref/#cursor.readPref) however I can't make it work.
mongos> cursor.readPref(secondary);
2015-10-15T10:03:47.480+0000 E QUERY ReferenceError: cursor is not defined
at (shell):1:1
2015-10-15T10:04:16.224+0000 E QUERY ReferenceError: secondary is not defined
at (shell):1:10
mongos> readPref('secondary');
2015-10-15T10:04:37.848+0000 E QUERY ReferenceError: readPref is not defined
at (shell):1:1
I've tried every combination of things I can think of, but always get a ReferenceError.
What am I missing / not understanding?
From within mongosh
Reference: https://www.mongodb.com/docs/manual/reference/method/Mongo.setReadPref/#specify-read-preference-mode