I am getting the following error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "drayd.py", line 2, in <module>
from fabric.api import *
**ImportError: No module named fabric.api**
I am running my program using:
python drayd.py
These are my imports:
import os,pprint
from fabric.api import *
import time
import argparse
import ConfigParser
I don't have a file named fabric as other answers suggested. I installed fabric using pip but it still doesn't work, any suggestions? I am using the OSX Terminal.
NOTE: I realized the fabric I installed is not linked to python installation ie it does not recognize that fabric is installed by pip. I am using the python version 2.7 default by osx. How do I link fabric installation to python?
The answer to my question is right here :
I had to add the location of my packages( which were installing not in the sys.path) so I had to add them manually
Use pip show
to find location of the packages and add them to .bash_profile
as @Javier Buzzi said I will take the advice and also run my python code from virtualenv.