
AngularJS pass data to template view

I'm using angular-leaflet-directive, and I want to display a Template when a marker is clicked. I'm getting the markers from a web server, and storing them locally in an array. the way that I'm creating the markers is:

  lat: parseFloat(DeviceInfo[i].Position.Y),
  lng: parseFloat(DeviceInfo[i].Position.X),
  message: "<div ng-include src=\"'templates/markerTemplate.html'\"></div>",
  icon: {
    iconUrl: url,
    iconSize: [39, 39],
    iconAnchor: [19, 19],
    popupAnchor: [-19, -19]

which is inside a for loop, that iterates over the DeviceInfoArray.

Every marker is displaying the template in /templates/markerTemplate.html . This is a long file, but it's under a

 <div ng-controller="MarkerController">

and has some {{values}}.

Is there some way to bind the values in the template or get them from the rootScope or the controller that creates the markers?

I can't use ng-repeat as instructed in the tutorial, because I'm creating different objects (different markers) than the controller creating the markers. I have a service returning the data in DeviceInfo, but I'd rather not query it every time a marker is clicked.

Example markers:

marker1: {
  lat: 50,
  lng: 20,
  message: "<div ng-include src=\"'templates/markerTemplate.html'\"></div>",

  icon: {
    iconUrl: url,
    iconSize: [39, 39],
    iconAnchor: [19, 19],
    popupAnchor: [-19, -19]

$scope.Devices[1].deviceData: {
  LastUpdate: "01/01/2015 12:14",
  Position: {
    X: 50,
    Y: 20
  Speed: 30,
  DeviceIdentifier: "DeviceName1"

marker2: {
  lat: 55,
  lng: 25,
  message: "<div ng-include src=\"'templates/markerTemplate.html'\"></div>",

  icon: {
    iconUrl: url,
    iconSize: [39, 39],
    iconAnchor: [19, 19],
    popupAnchor: [-19, -19]

$scope.Devices[2].deviceData: {
  LastUpdate: "02/23/2015 13:14",
  Position: {
    X: 55,
    Y: 25
  Speed: 45,
  DeviceIdentifier: "DeviceName2"
<div ng-controller="markerController">
  <font style="font-size:12px; font-weight:bold">{{deviceData.DeviceIdentifier}}</font>
  <table width="100%">
        <td><strong>Speed: </strong>
        <td>{{deviceData.Speed}} km/h</td>
        <td><strong>Update: </strong>
        <td colspan="2">
  <div><strong>Location: </strong>{{deviceData.Location}} (X:{{deviceData.Position.X}}Y:{{deviceData.Position.Y}})
The html is the markerTemplate.html (the view that I want to data bind with the elements of devices[].

devices[] is an array inside a controller called mapController (and the rootScope), and has all the data that I want to display. I want the above template to get values from the elements of this array.


  • I think that you could refactor a bit your code. In my opinion you don't need a include with a new controller for each marker. So let's say that you have a simple controller MyController and his view template. So you could try something like this:


      device: DeviceInfo[i],
      icon: {
        iconUrl: url,
        iconSize: [39, 39],
        iconAnchor: [19, 19],
        popupAnchor: [-19, -19]

    MyController's View:

    <div class="my-marker" ng-repeat="marker in markers">
            <td><strong>Speed: </strong>
            <td>{{marker.device.deviceData.Speed}} km/h</td>
            <td><strong>Update: </strong>
            <td colspan="2">
      <div><strong>Location: </strong>{{marker.device.deviceData.Location}} (X:{{marker.device.deviceData.Position.X}}Y:{{marker.device.deviceData.Position.Y}})


    .my-marker b{
      font-size: 12px;
    .my-marker table{
      width: 100%;