I have looked through lua-users Sleep Function reference in an effort to find a non-busy waiting solution to the sleep problem and I'm not happy with any of them. Nonetheless I attempted using several to provide a delay at the end of a function that uses tail calls.
Normally I wouldn't use tail calls but since lua doesn't leave a stack behind for tail calls it suits me.
Unfortunately I see my processor spike to about 20% use and the program becomes immediately unresponsive without any flushing of output once it begins.
The problem (simplified) looks like this:
function myFunc ()
-- do some stuff
-- lots of snazzy logic and function calls
-- heck, throw in a few prints
print "Going to sleep"
-- sleep for a bit
os.execute("sleep 10")
print "Waking up"
-- tail call
return myFunc()
I have tried the socket select method, os.execute and of course busy waiting. Of these only busy waiting gives the expected behaviour.
Are these other non-busy waiting solutions also non blocking? That is do they allow the tail call to be processed despite the delays?
How can I flush the output and have the function wait 10 seconds before resuming without busy waiting?
On the advice of Nick Gammon I tried his wait.lua solution. My initial attempt:
function controlLoop()
wait.make (
world.Note("Hello world.") -- essentially print
world.Note("Goodbye world.") -- essentially print
return controlLoop()
Suffered from precisely the same 100% CPU use, no output displayed behaviour.
My second attempt:
function controlLoop()
wait.make (
world.Note("Hello world.")
world.Note("Goodbye world.")
return controlLoop()
Has been running for 3 hours without fault. I did put a debug call to the stack trace using debug.traceback()
and never got a response more than 1 level deep. Additionally watching the Window memory use for the process, it did not increase over the 3 hours.
I am pleased that I have a solution but I am still somewhat displeased that I don't understand why it is working and why the original version fails.
It has been pointed out to me that I'm suffering from tunnel vision and that a while loop will solve my problem famously.
function controlLoop()
wait.make (
while true do
world.Note("Hello world.")
world.Note("Goodbye world.")
end -- loop
To which I can only reply ... duh, of course.