So i am having trouble wrapping my head around an issue, current working on a midi player that reads a file using buffered reader. i am reading the each object from the file as a string into an array list. Problem is when within the file there can be three different potential objects, the frequency of a note which is double, the midi note value an int, and a the note in letters(c4#). How can i tell which type of object exists in the string object from the ArrayList i have built.
ArrayList<String> noteList = new ArrayList<String>();
Note note;
String file = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("enter the file name of the song");
String line;
BufferedReader bufread = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("res/"+file));
while((line = bufread.readLine()) != null)
String[] result = line.split(",");
for(String str : result)
catch (IOException e)
for(int i=0; i<al.size();i++)
note = new Note(al.get(i)); //this is where the three constructors should be called
int midiInteger = note.getMIDIAbsoluteNumber();
The constructors are just simple
public Note(double frequency)
frequency = this.frequency;
public Note(int noteNum)
noteNum = this.Note;
public Note(String letterNote)
letterNote = this.letterNote;
How do i differentiate between string or double objects from an array List of type string. I can't tell if i should change to ArrayList and make the object Note serializable or to just test the ArrayList element for a . or isLetter() and go from there or is there a more efficient way.
It seems that regex should do.
is different from integer
by floating point, test it with /^[0-9]+(\\.[0-9]+)?$
and as for the notes, this could help: