I'm using Slick 3.1.0 and Slick-pg 0.10.0. I have an enum as:
object UserProviders extends Enumeration {
type Provider = Value
val Google, Facebook = Value
Following the test case, it works fine with the column mapper simply adding the following implicit
mapper into my customized driver.
implicit val userProviderMapper = createEnumJdbcType("UserProvider", UserProviders, quoteName = true)
However, when using plain SQL, I encountered the following compilation error:
could not find implicit value for parameter e: slick.jdbc.SetParameter[Option[models.UserProviders.Provider]]
I could not find any document about this. How can I write plain SQL with enum in slick? Thanks.
You need to have an implicit of type SetParameter[T]
in scope which tells slick how to set parameters from some custom type T
that it doesn't already know about. For example:
implicit val setInstant: SetParameter[Instant] = SetParameter { (instant, pp) =>
pp.setTimestamp(new Timestamp(instant.toEpochMilli))
The type of pp is PositionedParameters
You might also come across the need to tell slick how to extract a query result into some custom type T
that it doesn't already know about. For this, you need an implicit GetResult[T]
in scope. For example:
implicit def getInstant(implicit get: GetResult[Long]): GetResult[Instant] =
get andThen (Instant.ofEpochMilli(_))