I am having a problem where an tag with an ng-href tag link with a scope parameter inside of it does update when the scope changes. I read in this answer (Why does the directive ng-href need {{}} while other directives don't?) that ng-href uses $observe which should change ng-href when the scope value is changed.
Here is the html links in question. It is has two buttons to change the year, a p tag to show the year (id=yearp), and a button for each month (with the links that are not working properly)
<button id="left" style="display:inline;">left </button>
<p id="yearp" style="display:inline;"> {{curyear}} </p>
<button id="right" style="display:inline;"> right </button><br/>
<a ng-href="#calendar/month/{{curyear}}-01-01"><button style="display:inline;"> January </button></a>
<a ng-href="#calendar/month/{{curyear}}-02-01"><button style="display:inline;"> February </button></a>
<a ng-href="#calendar/month/{{curyear}}-03-01"><button style="display:inline;"> March </button></a>
<a ng-href="#calendar/month/{{curyear}}-04-01"><button style="display:inline;"> April </button></a>
<a ng-href="#calendar/month/{{curyear}}-05-01"><button style="display:inline;"> May </button></a>
<a ng-href="#calendar/month/{{curyear}}-06-01"><button style="display:inline;"> June </button></a>
<a ng-href="#calendar/month/{{curyear}}-07-01"><button style="display:inline;"> July </button></a>
<a ng-href="#calendar/month/{{curyear}}-08-01"><button style="display:inline;"> August </button></a>
<a ng-href="#calendar/month/{{curyear}}-09-01"><button style="display:inline;"> September </button></a>
<a ng-href="#calendar/month/{{curyear}}-10-01"><button style="display:inline;"> October </button></a>
<a ng-href="#calendar/month/{{curyear}}-11-01"><button style="display:inline;"> November </button></a>
<a ng-href="#calendar/month/{{curyear}}-12-01"><button style="display:inline;"> December </button></a>
And the angular controller for this page looks like this
App.controller('yearController', function($scope){
var cdt = new Date();
$scope.curyear = cdt.getFullYear();
$scope.curyear = $scope.curyear - 1;
$scope.curyear = $scope.curyear + 1;
Now pressing the buttons prev and next correctly change the $scope.curyear and is updated in the yearp tag, but pressing any of the links will still take me to (if pressing January) "calendar/month/2015-01-01" regardless of what $scope.curyear is. Anyone have any input on why this is happening and how to fix it?
Thanks in advance!
The reason it's not updating is because your click callback is outside of the Angular $digest
loop. But, you shouldn't be accessing the DOM in a controller for quite a few reasons which are detailed in Angular docs and in a number of StackOverflow tickets.
Recommended Reading:
Update your HTML to:
<button id="left" ng-click="prevYear()" style="display:inline;">left </button>
<p id="yearp" style="display:inline;"> {{curyear}} </p>
<button id="right" ng-click="nextYear()" style="display:inline;"> right </button><br/>
And your controller:
App.controller('yearController', function($scope){
var cdt = new Date();
$scope.curyear = cdt.getFullYear();
$scope.prevYear = function(){
$scope.nextYear = function(){