
How to query MongoEngine documents with inheritance?

I've been using a Node MongoEngine document for a while.

I am trying to go from a simpe Node model to some more specific elements inheriting from it.

What I've done so far

At first, I was not aware of the inheritance possibility offered by MongoEngine (see here), so I was using a 'label' field to distinguish between 3 types of Nodes (respectively Keyword, Url and Domain).

Here is the original model:

class Node(Document):
    project = ReferenceField(Project,
    name = StringField(required=True, unique_with=['project', 'label'])
    label = StringField(required=True)
    volume = IntField()
    clusters = ListField(ReferenceField(Cluster, reverse_delete_rule=PULL))
    x = FloatField(default=random.random())
    y = FloatField(default=random.random())
    connections = IntField(default=0)
    meta = {
        'indexes': ['project', 'label', 'name', 'clusters'],

I worked for some time with this model, so the node collection is currently populated with thousands of documents.

Then I implemented inheritance by adding 'allow_inheritance': True to the model and creating the following model:

Inherited model

class Keyword(Node):
    """ A MongoEngine Document for keyword management. """
    a_keywor_specific field = IntField()

    def foo(self):
        print('this is a keyword specific method')

Now this works fine for creating and saving new Keyword documents.

The thing I'm having trouble with is querying the old Nodes added before this change.


If I try to query all the existing nodes, only the one I added after the inheritance change is returned:

In [21]: Node.objects()
Out[21]: [<Keyword: Keyword object>]

Thanks !


  • This happened because when you created an inherited model, the old model queries use _cls attribute to query this model's documents. But old documents don't have this field.

    Fill in this attribute for old documents.

    Regarding your second question.

    I think, if you are going to make a migration script that will fill _cls field, you can fill its value depending on the value of label field.

    You can find the required _cls values inserting documents for each model.