I have the following LINQ query that I need to translate to Entity SQL /eSQL):
return (ObjectQuery<User>) from user in Users
where !user.Roles.Any(r => r.AnIntegerProperty < 0)
select user;
User.Roles is an navigation property to the n:m relation to Roles and there also is a Role.Users navigation property the other way round. There aren't User_Roles or Roles_User Entities available in the model, and I can't add these.
I also can't use the LINQ statement here, because I need to add .OrderBy("it." + propertyname) (comes from another source, can't change that too) later on which is not possible if the ObjectQuery is build with linq.
So how do I translate this to eSQL? And where can I find good eSQL samples? I searched for a whole day until now and must admit that eSQL reference is lousy and there aren't any usable examples around the web.
In case you haven't find solution, this will work
SELECT VALUE u FROM YourDataContextEntities.Users AS u WHERE NOT EXISTS(SELECT r FROM u.Roles AS r WHERE r.AnyIntegerProperty < 0)