
How can I check whether a number is contained in comma separated list stored in a varchar column?

I have a table with a varchar column categoryIds. It contains some IDs separated by commas, for example:

id       categoryIds
1        3,7,12,33,43

I want to do a select statement and check if an int exists in that column. Something like this:

select * 
from myTable 
where 3 in (categoryIds)

I know this is possible in MySQL by doing this, but can it be done in SQL Server as well?

I have tried casting the int to a char, which runs the following statement:

select * 
from myTable 
where '3' in (categoryIds)

But it doesn't look like there's any "out of the box" support for comma separated lists as it returns nothing.


  • You should really redesign this table to split out those values from being comma separated to being in individual rows. However, if this is not possible, you are stuck with doing string comparison instead:

    DECLARE @id INT = 3
    DECLARE @stringId VARCHAR(50) = CAST(@id AS VARCHAR(50))
    SELECT * 
    FROM MyTable 
    WHERE categoryIds = @stringId -- When there is only 1 id in the table
    OR categoryIds LIKE @stringId + ',%' -- When the id is the first one
    OR categoryIds LIKE '%,' + @stringId + ',%' -- When the id is in the middle
    OR categoryIds LIKE '%,' + @stringId -- When the id is at the end