I'm using akka-http
to make a request to a http service which sends back chunked response. This is how the relevant bit of code looks like:
val httpRequest: HttpRequest = //build the request
val request = Http().singleRequest(httpRequest)
request.flatMap { response =>
response.entity.dataBytes.runForeach { chunk =>
and the output produced in the command line looks something like this:
"some text"}
"this is a longer
{"data": "txt"}
The logical piece of data - a json in this case ends with an end of line symbol \r\n
, but the problem is, that the json doesn't always fit in a single http response chunk as clearly visible in the example above.
My question is - how do I concatenate the incoming chunked data into full jsons so that the resulting container type would still remain either Source[Out,M1]
or Flow[In,Out,M2]
? I'd like to follow the idealogy of akka-stream
UPDATE: It's worth mentioning also, that the response is endless and the aggregation must be done in real time
Found a solution:
val request: HttpRequest = //build the request
request.flatMap { response =>
response.entity.dataBytes.scan("")((acc, curr) => if (acc.contains("\r\n")) curr.utf8String else acc + curr.utf8String)
.runForeach { json =>