How can I create preview of my articles(which are in the resource "articles") using their [[*description]]
and [[*introtext]]
in the right sidebar on another resources page, called "services"(this page's (template) code:
<title>[[++site_name]] - [[*pagetitle]]</title>
<base href="[[++site_url]]" />
I created new tpl, called it "article_story" with this code:
<p><a href="[[++site_url]][[~[[+id]]]]">[[+pagetitle]]<br>
<img alt="[[+pagetitle]]" src="[[+tv.image:phpthumbof=`w=300`]]"></a><br>
I've tried to use this code:
[[!getResources? &parents=`[[*id]]` &tpl=`article_story` &limit=`3` &sortby=`{"publishedon":"ASC","createdon":"DESC"}`]]
But it doesn't work. Any thoughts?
By default the getResources Extra doesn't include unpublished Resources. You need to add &showUnpublished
to the snippet call: