
sbt not resolving dependency; path correct except ${package.type} extension

sbt (0.13.8) is failing to resolve the dependency in the following extremely simple build.sbt:

organization := "edu.umass.cs.iesl"

name := "nn-depparse"

version := "0.1-SNAPSHOT"

scalaVersion := "2.11.7"

resolvers += "IESL snapshot repository" at ""

libraryDependencies += "cc.factorie" %% "factorie" % "1.2-SNAPSHOT"

parallelExecution := true

For some reason it resolves the following path:${package.type}

Rather than the correct path to the jar:

It seems as though ${package.type} is being interpreted as a literal file extension rather than whatever the contents of the variable package.type, but I have no idea why; I am using the simplest possible build configuration! As far as I know, I don't have any weird sbt configurations lying around (or any at all -- I checked ~/.sbt, and I have tried running on multiple machines).


  • A following line found in factorie_2.11-1.2-20151007.170205-28.pom:


    I suppose sbt uses this setting to get the artifact.

    In the previous .pom file, it has:


    So, maybe it's a broken build.