
Animate marker on Nutiteq 3D SDK

I am trying to animate the marker from one position to another. For this i am using the following code from the nutiteq sample code.

MapPos markerLocation0 = baseProjection.fromWgs84(currentBlueDotPostion);
MapPos markerLocation1 = baseProjection.fromWgs84(toPosition);
Keyframe[] markerLocationKeyframes = new Keyframe[] {
    Keyframe.ofObject(0.0f, markerLocation0),
    Keyframe.ofObject(1.0f, markerLocation1)

// Create property values holder for "mapPos" property and set custom evaluator for MapPos type
PropertyValuesHolder markerLocationPVHolder = PropertyValuesHolder.ofKeyframe("mapPos", markerLocationKeyframes);
markerLocationPVHolder.setEvaluator(new TypeEvaluator() {
    public Object evaluate(float fraction, Object startValue, Object endValue) {
        MapPos pos0 = (MapPos) startValue;
        MapPos pos1 = (MapPos) endValue;
        return new MapPos(pos0.getX() + (pos1.getX() - pos0.getX()) * fraction, pos0.getY() + (pos1.getY() - pos0.getY()) * fraction);

final ObjectAnimator animator = ObjectAnimator.ofPropertyValuesHolder(userPostionMarker, markerLocationPVHolder);
animator.setDuration(2000); // duration 2000ms
// Make it to bounce
animator.setInterpolator(new AccelerateInterpolator());

Please let me know what is the issue with the above code?


  • You are using snippet meant for SDK 2.x. You can use it for SDK 3.x also, but you need to change the following line

    PropertyValuesHolder markerLocationPVHolder = PropertyValuesHolder.ofKeyframe("mapPos", markerLocationKeyframes);

    to the line

    PropertyValuesHolder markerLocationPVHolder = PropertyValuesHolder.ofKeyframe("pos", markerLocationKeyframes);