I need to rename a batch of photos adding an index to them, like 'image-1-tmb' or 'image-23-tmb'. I have already searched this and didn't find it, didn't even come close to finding it.
This is my actual code:
return gulp.src('./zips/**/*.{jpg,JPG}', { base: './zips' })
width : width_tmb_menu,
height : height_tmb_menu,
crop : true,
quality : 0.6,
imageMagick : true,
upscale : false
Use gulp-rename:
var rename = require("gulp-rename");
then add to your pipe: gulp.task('rsz_tmb_menu',function(){
var index = 0;
.pipe(your processing func)
.pipe(rename(function (path) {
path.basename += ("-" + index++);