Its not essential but it bugs me a bit, here is the fragment from my .zshrc
a function/widget called add_sudo, that will go at the beginning of line, writes sudo there and then should go at the end of the line.
Its bind to ctrl+f
But it does not go at the end of the line, it ignores last command and sits there after it wrote sudo.
add_sudo() {
zle beginning-of-line;
zle -U "sudo ";
zle end-of-line;
zle -N add_sudo
bindkey "^f" add_sudo
any solution to this?
I can answer this one! I just joined, glad to help..... and I read the question wrong, but now I'm here to redeem myself, with the help of @4ae1e1, all credit to him for mentioning to use BUFFER= and CURSOR=
add_sudo (){
BUFFER="$prefix $BUFFER"
CURSOR=$(($CURSOR + $#prefix + 1))
zle -N add_sudo
bindkey "^f" add_sudo
Does what you would like, and now I can use this after every time I forget to sudo, too!
Of note, this actually places the cursor back to wherever it was prior, my preferred use. You can, as 4aelel stated, use CURSOR+=5 to place it at the end of the line.
Also of note, again, I realized I truly haven't fulfilled the question, as it was how to do this with zsh and zli, rather than how to do this. If I come across an answer I'll append with both solutions.I'm new to zli and it's nuances, just recently moving to zsh.