
Haar Lifting scheme

I am trying to apply lifting scheme version haar to an image. I started to apply it using the code posted on the internet:

   image = imread('cameraman.tif');
   % Applying Lifting scheme
   lshaar = liftwave('haar');
   els = {'p',[-0.125 0.125],0};
   lsnew = addlift(lshaar,els);
   [cA,cD] = lwt(image,lsnew);

In fact the code above apply a lifting Haar wavelet of LEVEL1. How can I modify this code in order to apply 2 or 3 levels of lifting Haar wavelet?

Any help will be very appreciated!



  • A little late, but here is your answer (or read

    lshaar = liftwave('haar');
    level = 2;
    [cA,cD] = lwt(x,lshaar,level);