
Batch convert Flash to HTML5 canvas project and publish, jsfl

I want to batch convert Flash projects to CreateJS projects and publish them.

I've converted some Flash projects to HTML5 canvas projects, but I have a lot to convert and it is tedious. When publishing, the MP3s generated are invalid and don't play. The WAV files in question play fine in the IDE. So additionally, I will have to export sounds separately

How would I write the jsfl to batch run the built-in html5 conversion jsfl script (accessible in the "Commands" menu) and to batch publish?

I'm not sure how to use this: Can we export from flash to createjs from the command line?

I've slightly modified the sound export script to recursively create folders: Is it possible to use jsfl to export sound files from flash library?


  • I wrote a jsfl script to batch convert, publish and extract sounds: